
Thursday, March 27, 2014

REVIEW: Stride Sour Patch Kids Lime Gum

Not too long ago, I reviewed the Red Berry Sour Patch Kids Gum from Stride. While it wasn't the best gum I'd ever tried, it sure had potential, so I decided the try the other flavor that's been produced- Lime. Self-explanatory enough. The Lime Sour Patch Kid is probably my third favorite Sour Patch flavor... with Red Berry being first and Lemon being second. The Orange ones just stink. They're the flops. You know how you have those four ghosts in Pac-Man? Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and... Clyde? Yeah, well, Clyde doesn't rhyme with ANY of the other ghosts' names. He's more than like supposed to be the screw-up. And, coincidentally, Clyde is orange. Just like the worst flavor of Sour Patch Kids. Hey, dispute me if you wanna!
But anyway, I'm here to eat LIME-flavored Sour Patch gum, not Orange, so let's not get sidetracked and be on our way!
A fourteen piece pack of gum costs around $1.29.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

REVIEW: Chobani Strawberry Greek Yogurt

Who doesn't love yogurt? Well... probably more people than I think, but... oh well. I'm doing a yogurt review anyway! And, like all most of my yogurt reviews, I'm doing another one on Chobani. If you haven't guessed already, I really like Chobani. I like any Greek yogurt, really. I'm not gonna dictate your food habits or anything- I'm not that type of gal -but if you've never tried Greek yogurt yet, you really should. Although, Greek yogurt is a really big thing by now, so I'm guessing most of you have tried at least one cup of Greek yogurt before. It's everywhere in stores now. Like, just five years ago, it wasn't. My, my... life moves pretty fast!

So anyway, today I'll be reviewing Chobani's Strawberry Greek Yogurt.
A 5.3 oz. container costs around $1.29.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

REVIEW: Nature Valley Blueberry Breakfast Biscuits

Gee, it sure has been awhile since I've reviewed any Nature Valley products. But I guess now's a good as time to get back on track as any! Hey, in my defense, Nature Valley hasn't released any new products in FOREVER. But finally, finally... they're here. Nature Valley's Breakfast Biscuits. A product so innovative, so original, so unique, so one-of-a-kind that-
Just kidding. I mean, where have I heard the term "breakfast biscuits" before? Uhhhhh, duh! belVita!!!
These "new" Nature Valley biscuits are nothing more than a rip on belVita's biscuits. And I should know. I reviewed the Apple Cinnamon belVitas before (which really weren't that good, but that's irrelevant), and they looked COMPLETELY like these Nature Valley biscuits. But, with a perceptive eye, one can also see that these NV biscuits are more granola-like than the belVita biscuits. I suppose that makes sense, because what does Nature Valley specialize in? Yes, granola! Correctomundo!
Well, while these biscuits don't show too many signs of originality, they are new, and they are Nature Valley, and who knows? They could be mighty tasty, even if they are ripoffs. So today, I'll be reviewing the Blueberry Breakfast Biscuits. Why Blueberry? A cuz' Blueberry sounds a lot more tastier than plain ol' Honey, that's why.
Anyway, an 8.85 oz. box with five 1.77 oz. packages costs around $3.39.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

REVIEW: Fiber One Trail Mix Chewy Bar

I tend to stick away from trail mix-flavored granola bars; I'm not a big fan of the raisins and the cranberries and all that... Trail mix bars, in my opinion, are just too mainstream. Everybody sells trail mix-flavored granola bars. There are just more interesting flavors out there- why should I waste my time on trail mix bars? Booooooring.
However, on the other side of the equation, I love trying new products. See, if you're the one to review a new product first, then you're like the journalist who's got the scoop before anyone else!
So, when I saw that Fiber One had a NEW Trail Mix Chewy Bar, I was a little conflicted. It was new, but... It was trail mix-flavored, but... It was new....
So, if you can't tell already, my affinity for new food items ultimately won out over my disdain for trail mix-flavored bars. It's just... the NEW! on the box was calling out to me... Plus, these bars are covered in chocolate; how bad can they be? Well... my gut feeling better not fail me this time!
A 6.75 oz. box with five 1.35 oz. bars costs around $3.39.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

REVIEW: Kashi Heart to Heart Oat Flakes & Blueberry Clusters Cereal

I love Kashi cereals, and I'm always looking for ones to try next. So, when my friend relayed onto me how much she liked their "blueberry kind", as she so described it, I jumped at the chance to try the cereal I think she was talking about. That cereal would be Kashi's Heart to Heart Oat Flakes & Blueberry Clusters
A 13.4 oz. box costs around $4.09.

Friday, March 14, 2014

REVIEW: Stride Sour Patch Kids Red Berry Gum

Sour Patch Kids are definitely one of my favorite candies- I'd be scrunched to find someone who DOESN'T like these chewy, fruity, sour-than-sweet, tiny children of deliciousness.
Wait, no. That doesn't sound quite right.
Anywho, even if you were to take my weird analogies out of the equation, I'm pretty sure we'd ALL agree that Sour Patch Kids are the BOMB. Unfortunately, they're full of sugar. Just chock-full to bursting with the stuff, I kid you not! So, for those of you who have thought you'd have to swear off Sour Patch Kids for eternity and forever, there IS a solution- Sour Patch Kids-flavored gum from Stride. By the wayyyyy... it's sugar-free! Obviously, this gum is certainly an intriguing creation, whether you are looking for the taste of Sour Patch Kids guilt-free, or just are interested in chewing gum that tastes like Sour Patch Kids. 
There are two available flavors of this new candy-esque gum: Red Berry and Lime. Great thought was taking into consideration when selecting which of the two flavors to taste-test first, but eventually I decided on the Red Berry. I think, after weighing out the odds, Red is my favorite Sour Patch flavor. 
A 14-pack of gum costs around $1.29.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

REVIEW: Kashi Honey Almond Flax Chewy Granola Bar

Have you ever tried Kashi's Honey Almond Flax Cereal? Well, I have! It was pretty okay. I gave it a 6.5. But Kashi also has Honey Almond Flax Chewy Granola Bars, and I got to thinking, "How do those taste?" Better than the cereal, or worse? So now I set out on another review to find out!
A 7.4 oz. box with six 1.2 oz. bars costs around $4.09.

Monday, March 10, 2014

REVIEW: Bear Naked Banana Nut Granola

In one of my previous posts, I was tipped off by a reader that one of his favorite granola cereals was Bear Naked. So, I might as well give this brand a review! Now, keep in mind that my reader's favorite favorite was the Fruit & Nut flavor, but this granola review was more of a spur of the moment kind of thing. I was just hanging out at a friend's house, and I looked up at their refrigerator to see a package of Bear Naked granola right sitting there! It wasn't the Fruit & Nut flavor my reader yearned for- it was their Banana Nut flavor. But I guess that's close. Bananas are a fruit, and this granola has nuts in it too. Don't worry, Mr. Reader! I'll get to the Fruit & Nut someday. Till' then, I'll take your word on its deliciousness. But, for today, I'm reviewing Bear Naked's Banana Nut Granola. 
A 12 oz. package costs around $4.09.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

REVIEW: Edy's/Dreyer's Slow Churned Cinnamon Bun Fun! Ice Cream

You know what sounds nice during this last stretch of winter? Some warm pastries, hot from the oven... Donuts, muffins, danishes... Maybe a cinnamon bun! Oh yeah, totally a cinnamon bun! Warm, gooey, yummy, cinnamon-y, bun-y... They're great. Who wouldn't want a warm cinnamon bun during this everlasting Wisconsin cold!?
Well, apparently me, since I'm eating cold, icy, shivery, cinnamon bun ice cream. So yay. But heyyyy, it won't be so bad. It's Cinnamon Bun FUN! Ice Cream. Funnnnnn.
But in all honesty, this is a flavor I've been meaning to try out as soon as I heard about it. It's one of the three seasonal Bakery Treats flavors Edy's/Dreyer's have just released not too long ago- the other two being Luscious Red Velvet Cake and Coffee & Cookies Delight. They all sound good, really. And I wanted to buy both the Cinnamon Bun and the Red Velvet Cake flavors at the same time, but my dad didn't want to get the Red Velvet Cake since there was only a marginal difference between its appearance and the appearance of Edy's Strawberry. Maybe Dad didn't know Red Velvet is completely different from strawberry or something, I dunno. Either way, I'll make do with what I can and test-out this delicious, pastry-esque ice cream! (Or is it delicious? I suppose we'll find out!)
A 1.5 qt. container costs around $3.39.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

REVIEW: Kashi Peanut Peanut Butter Chewy Granola Bar Review

Kashi granola bars are blah... And not just moderately blah: they are FULL-ON BLAG-BLAH FORCE kind of blah. I only opt for Kashi granola bars over so many others because they are marginally healthier for you.  I guess the healthiness could be a contributing factor to the blahiness, but I've had a few other granola bars that are similar to Kashi bars nutritional-wise, and they weren't very blah at all.  Maybe I just haven't been eating the right kind of Kashi bars: I've been purchasing all the chocolatey ones, you see, and with chocolate, it is hard to balance out the richness of the indulgent sweet with the healthiness Kashi aims for. So, today, I'm going to set my sights a little lower with Kashi and try their Peanut Peanut Butter Chewy Granola Bar (Yes, Peanut is used twice in the name. Don't ask me why. Honestly, I don't think it's a much better market gimmick than just saying "Peanut Butter", but what do I know?). I like peanut butter, but I've never cared much for it when it's put into granola bar form. Maybe Kashi will do it some justice.
A 7.4 oz. box with six 1.2 oz. bars costs around $3.99.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

REVIEW: Fiber One Protein Maple Brown Sugar Granola Cereal

Welcome to the wonderful world of Fiber One Protein Cereal, where you can fart while lifting weights for muscle mass! ...And now that I think about it, that is NOT such a wonderful world to be in. Well, at least this cereal fills you up, with a two-punch combo of protein and fiber. 
Fiber One already created protein bars a long while ago- and protein meal bars more recently, but they just started making protein cereal now. Which seems a little odd to me, considering Fiber One started out as a cereal company in the first place... riiight? I dunno. Maybe I should do my research a bit more, but I really don't care. As long as Fiber One is making some protein granola now, I don't mind! Seriously, trying a new granola from one of my favorite food brands is pretty exciting, so without further ado, let's dig in!
A 16.2 oz box costs around $3.39.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

REVIEW: Atkins Endulge Peanut Caramel Cluster Bar

Today's another day for an Atkins review! The subject we'll be focusing on today is this Endulge Peanut Caramel Cluster Bar. From its name and appearance, we can deduce that its a healthy, low carb alternative to a PayDay. But, you know, it just occurred to me- why does there have to be a healthy alternative to a PayDay? Why can't all PayDays be only 130 calories, have only 2g net carbs, and only contain 1g of sugar. Why do we have to be paying high prices for healthy candy alternatives, when all candy could be healthy? I mean, this system is an outrage! I DECLARE HERESY! (Or should I say HERSHEY? Nyuk nyuk nyuk!)   I mean, you might say that it's impossible for candy to be healthy! That's right! I'm starting a candy revolution! Viva La ResisTONCE! Let them eat healthy, reasonably-priced candy!
And you may say it's impossible for companies to make healthy candy and still make it in the food market, but I disagree. Atkins has proved that healthy candy can sell, as evidenced by this product right here! And there are other examples too! Maybe someday our shelves will be stocked with average price, healthy candy, but till' then, looks like we'll have to turn to the diet aisle for relief. I'm not scolding Atkins or the guys who make PayDays, just suggesting some forward-thinking is all. 
Anyway, a 6 oz. box with five 1.2 oz bars costs around $4.88.